Companies like Bell Alliance Law Firm share the vision and align on a desire to push the boundaries of innovation in order to change the world. Richard Bell works tirelessly as a World Housing Ambassador and has created a community of compassionate world-changers called the NexGen Giving Group.
Over the past 2 years, this network of like-minded business entrepreneurs have joined forces to form a ‘social impact giving group’ in support of World Housing’s mission and have already funded 25 homes.
In 2017, their combined contributions funded and gifted 15 homes to families in Bogota, Colombia transforming the Ciudad Bolivar slum. In 2018, 10 homes were funded for families in the community of Ahuachapán in El Salvador.
In the next 12 to 18 months, Bell Alliance and its associated network of generous contributors are targeting their donations toward the World Housing x New Story x ICON partnership to fund another 10 homes that will be built with the new 3D home printing technology.
Bell Alliance invites everyone to be a part of this incredible legacy project and when you work with them they will contribute a portion of their legal fees to build homes for families in dire need.
For more information about Bell Alliance please click here.