Avesdo – building safe communities through technology.

Written by Sam White on June 22, 2023

Innovative real estate software that is transforming lives.

Conceived and founded by lawyers with first-hand knowledge of the development industry, Avesdo helps build success by streamlining the process of selling new home real estate. In addition to providing leading-edge technology through the Avesdo integrated Transaction Management Software (TMS) solution, Avesdo has partnered with World Housing to help build safe communities around the world.

When you use the Avesdo technology they provide the much-needed funding to World Housing that will go towards building homes for families living without safe housing in unimaginable conditions. As a World Housing Ambassador, Avesdo is giving back through every home sold through their platform, making each transaction more meaningful for all involved with the sale.

We are honoured to be an Ambassador for World Housing and thrilled to be able to share this with our clients. We understand the importance of a safe home, and believe that every family deserves a home.

Ben Smith – President

Avesdo is your ally to success, built to manage the unique processes and data associated with new home transactions. More than that, when you sell homes, Avesdo builds homes for families in need. As a client of Avesdo you share in the mission of ending global homelessness.

What does a home mean?

We believe in housing first. A new home means a new start, the beginning of a life with safety, security and stability as a foundation. What grows from there is a restoration of dignity and hope for the future. Families begin to thrive, bringing up a new generation of healthy, educated, and inspired leaders for their community.

As a realtor or developer, your new home sales provide the world’s most vulnerable families hope for a better future.

For more information about Avesdo: LINK HERE

When Communities Thrive, People Thrive.
Homes Are Just The Beginning.